World Suicide Prevention Week

World Suicide Prevention Week is an awareness week campaign from September 6th to 12th celebrated every year, in order to provide worldwide commitment and action to prevent suicides, with various activities around the world since 2003. One September 10th worldwide, promoting awareness program, World Suicide Prevention Day is observed.

Suicide is a major cause of premature death which is influenced by psycho-social, cultural & environmental risk factors that can be prevented through worldwide responses that address these main risk factors. Nearly about 3000 people one average commit suicide DAILY, according to WHO. For every person who completes a suicide, 20 or more may attempt to end their live. And about, million people die by suicide each year. So, there is strong evidence that indicates with adequate prevention and awareness, suicides rate can be reduced and controlled.

World Suicide Prevention week and day ( September 10) aims to:
• raise awareness that suicide is PREVENTABLE,
• improve education about suicide,
• spread information about suicide awareness,
• decrease stigmatization regarding suicide

#togetherwecan #workingtogethertopreventsuicide #mentalhealth #LIVENowTogether #M4M #Meformyself 


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