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Atiqa Shah (core volunteer 1)
Team Mavericks
“Atiqa Shah, 19 years old from Pakistan. She’s pursuing her bachelors in physiology. Mental health is an international Problem, every country, everyone is going through. Our Youth are the Futures of our country and this world, they are highly affected mentally, and M4M provides our youth that platform of working for their well-being and for others, spreading positivity with its diversified volunteers. Atiqa believe that in the upcoming years through M4M we can provide more opportunities for our youth to come forward and work for this cause, so everyone will get awareness about mental health.
– Pakistan

Prashansa Deo (core volunteer 2)
Team Mavericks
Ms.Prashansa Deo from Nepal is a core volunteer of team “Mavericks”. She is 16 years old and studied at St. Mary’s High School up to 10th grade and is currently waiting for further admissions in high school. As an individual she has been vocal by participating in various public speaking events .She has been an active member of Nepal scouts and regional organizations working for menstrual hygiene.Being one of the youngest core volunteers, she is extremely keen to learn more about mental health and wants to break the stereotype around it .She intends to collaborate with more influential personalities in order to help people speak up in a safe space and popularize the mental health as well as wellbeing.
Team members
Rizwan Ali Shaha Iqbal Shah
Sarwagya Bhattarai
Sujan Shrestha
Tania Anwar Ali
Anu Ratnayake
Rizwan Ali Shaha Iqbal Shah
Rizwan Ali Shah Iqbal Shah, 14 years old is currently studying in ninth grade, AGA KHAN HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL KHARADHAR. He is assistant patrol leader in Pakistan Scout Association. He had worked on history and mental health related projects. He is very excited to work with M4M.
Sarwagya Bhattarai
18 years old Sarwagya Bhattarai from Nepal is currently doing her A levels. Currently, she is working as a volunteer in Livenow Campaign, and Me for Myself Campaign 2021.Currently, she is also working as a Dance teacher and volunteer in an NGO named AWIH (Association for the welfare of Intellectual Handicapped). She uses some techniques of psychology like positive reinforcement and continuous reinforcement technique to teach those intellectually handicapped children.She wants to make this world a better place, and with her participation in M4M campaign 2021, she wants to help people to have a good mental health status in this corona pandemic. She is more than happy to be a part of this campaign.
Sujan Shrestha
Sujan Shrestha, 16 from Nepal. He is a student currently studying in 11. Mental health has become one of the most important topics to be discussed in modern and developing life where various fears of failures and criticisms exist. Through M4M Sujan hopes to create a positive impact upon the society and its people to cope up with their mental health issues that arises in the present scenario of COVID-19, lockdown and virtual interaction.
Tania Anwar Ali
Ms. Tania Anwar Ali from Pakistan is a volunteer .She is currently doing her second year from Aga Khan Higher Secondary School. She is the founder of Khuwaish Organization which is currently working for the fulfilment of the wishes for orphans and terminally ill children.In addition to it, this is her second year of serving at M4M. In addition to it she is also working as a volunteer at WeAble Academy who works for the betterment of deaf community. Working for the transgender in Ground Breakers is also an immense pleasure. She is also a part of For the Menstruator global operations team which particularly works for period advocacy and poverty.
Anu Ratnayake
Anu Ratnayake from Sri Lanka is a year eleven student and is currently doing her A-levels. She is interested in working with mental health organizations and volunteers in a few in Sri Lanka including ones like Project Bloom. She is new to M4M and is grateful to be part of a program that gives an opportunity for youth to be involved in making an impact and to learn about mental health. She is looking forward to working with M4m and learning new perspectives and ideas from this experience.
-Sri Lanka

SHEIKH DILNAWAZ ALI (core volunteer 1)
Team Sparkle
Sheikh Dilnawaz Ali is a young, energetic, and passionate social activist. He is a core campaigner of the #NOTANYMORE Campaign which is a social campaign that is designed to stands in solidarity against online sexual harassment and advocates for stronger cyber-laws in Nepal. He is currently pursuing bachelors in business studies and his areas of interest are mental health, social justice and empowering youths and women. He’s an advocate for gender equality, good governance, democracy and mental health. He’s also involved with various youth organizations that work towards youth capacity building and social mobilization. His interests are public speaking, literature, music, travelling, hiking, and exploring foods.

RINCHEN DAWA(core volunteer 2)
Team Sparkle
Rinchen Dawa, 23 Currently, he is pursuing his Bachelor of Science in Clinical Counseling at the Faculty of Nursing and Public Health in Thimphu, Bhutan. For him, mental health is very close to his heart because he feels that it is the invisible life-threatening health concern that is being covered by the socio-cultural mindset of human beings in the form of stigma and discrimination. Besides that, he saw and interacted with many people who suffered from mental illnesses like mood disorders (depression and bipolar affective disorder), anxiety disorder, personality disorder and schizophrenia during his practicum at various hospitals and Non-Profit Organizations that added fuel to his love for the people suffering secretly in life. he wishes to apply his skills learned in his course to counsel the people who are in need of help and also want to fulfil his as well as organization’s dream of taking mental health at the grassroots level.
Team members
Anshoo Bhusal
Jotshana Manandhar
Karma Choezom
Lahana Maharjan
Ronisha Chauhan
Sabina Nepal
Siljiya Basnet
Sishan Thapa
Thinuja Kokalinathan
Anshoo Bhusal
Anshu Bhoosal, 23 Nepal is an energetic and optimistic youth who has been a volunteer of M4M Volunteer program 2020 & 2021. She holds a bachelor degree in Public Health. She is working as a Case Investigation and Contact Tracing (CICT) Facilitator in one of the districts of Nepal. Mental health is the pillar of overall health. She believes sound mental health is a part of healthy life and lifestyle.
Jotshana Manandhar
Jotshana Manandhar is 23 years old from Nepal and currently working as a volunteer of M4M Volunteer program 2021. She passed out with a Diploma in General Medicine and is currently in Bachelor in Public Health final year. She is working as a medical practitioner in a Clinic in a Health Assistant post. She feels deep interest in Mental Health issues as it is one of the rising topics all over the world. Although it is one of the important topics that people have been facing in their life , they are not able to talk openly due to various reasons such as fear of being judged, lack of knowledge on mental health, fear of being left out in the society and many more. Though many awareness programs have been launched even if the WHO has mentioned healthy living must need mental health but it is still not reached within every person. Through M4M, she hopes that she along with a team can make an impact and bring changes among the people in such a way that people not only can freely talk about mental health but also feel free to seek help for mental health issues.
Karma Choezom
Karma Choezom, 23 from Bhutan is a member for M4M volunteer programme and has been volunteering for the year 2020 and 2021. She is also a member of Ypeer Bhutan and ever since has been closer to youth and addressing youth issues. She has a degree in BA. Anthropology which aims to study human and human actions. More of a reason for her to take interest in mental health. Considering the place of mental health in early societies, to having now programmes such as M4M to address mental health issues as a normal aspect of society shows how far the perceptions have changed regarding mental health. We have a lot of room for improvement and accomplishment. Humans are bound to change given the change in paradigms. M4M can be that agent which could bring some change.
Lahana Maharjan
Lahana Maharjan, 22, from Nepal is an energetic youth who believes in service as the core value of life. She has been involved as a volunteer in the M4M program since 2020. As an undergraduate student pursuing her degree in public health she understands the importance of mental well-being. As the world sunk into the torment of the pandemic in 2020, she began to notice how it affected the mental wellness of hers and people around her. Amid the tough time she discovered M4M as a sigh of hope that could help not just herself but people around the world. So, she decided to contribute to raising awareness on mental health. The decision has been extremely worthwhile for her. It has been a teaching and learning opportunity. She is more than grateful to be a part of this journey.
Ronisha Chauhan
Ronisha Chauhan, 24 from Nepal is a volunteer of M4M 2021. Currently pursuing her bachelor’s degree in public health. As a public health student, she always wants to focus on preventive aspects of health. Physical, Spiritual, Emotional or Mental Health is always important. Thousands of people lose their life due to mental health related issues but still mental health isn’t prioritized as physical health. Each day people are struggling to find support so if you could be one. Why not? This always motivates her to work for mental health related issues. She also worked in autism center as volunteer and attended different online webinar related to mental health and wellbeing and suicide prevention. She believed working together for mental health not only awareness but also could save someone’s life.
Sabina Nepal
Sabina Nepal, 22 from Bhutan is a volunteer of M4M Volunteer program 2020-2021. She also previously volunteered for the M4M Volunteer program 2019-2020. Through her volunteer experiences with M4M, she wanted to keep volunteering. She believes that to promote the human rights of individuals with mental disorders and to reduce stigma and discrimination, the concept of mental health advocacy should be thoroughly disseminated. Through the M4M program, she believes we can change the perceptions of people regarding mental health. For her, M4M has been a platform where she can learn from different talented people and also meet people with similar concerns from all around the world.
Siljiya Basnet
Siljiya Basnet, 23 from Nepal is a volunteer in M4M team Sparkle Volunteer program 2021. She is a public health professional and currently volunteering from home to various organizations. Mental health has been a topic of concern these days and it’s very important to take care of an individual’s mental health. Physical body reacts only the way your mental health functions. Mental health awareness is the recognition that our psychological well-being is an important part of our own productivity, and happiness, as well as the well-being of our communities. Through M4M, she believes that we can make an impact on society and help people from different mental traumas and also make people aware of the importance of mental health to physical health.
Sishan Thapa
Sishan Thapa, 23 from Nepal is a core volunteer/volunteer of M4M Volunteer program 2020 & 2021. He is a medical practitioner and is currently pursuing his bachelors in public health. Mental health has become an increasingly important topic as people around the world keep facing problems mentally and are unable to express themselves. Through M4M, Sishan hopes & believes that we can make the changes in the society about the negative thought in mental health towards positive.
Thinuja Kokalinathan
Thinuza Kokalinathan from Sri Lanka is a volunteer of M4M volunteer program 2021. She is 24 years old and a final year student of University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. She is currently pursuing a B.A (Hons) degree on peace and conflict resolution. She is passionate about making sustainable peace and justice in this world. Mental health has become an increasingly important topic as people around the world keep facing problems mentally and are unable to express themselves. As a peace student, she is concerned about others’ mental health and well- being because she thinks that keeping the mental health and inner peace of one person at a stable level can help him to be a friendly person in this society. So through M4M, she hopes that we can help to make a huge impact in the society and change the scenario of mental health and also she believes that we can provide opportunities to people for freely talk about it.
-Sri Lanka

Team Better Us
Mahishka is from Sri Lanka and in her final year of A-Levels. She spends her past time reading and volunteering at every opportunity, whether it’s from teaching children English, to helping the environment, to furthering mental health activism. She is a core volunteer in the M4M Volunteer Program 2021. Through M4M she hopes to help make a change in society and its perception of mental health, especially in Asia, and help provide resources to those in need.
Team members
Aarushi Bashyal
Aazim Shaukat
Prince Karn
Prerana Paswan
Subigya Baral
Sujit Chaudhary
Thinley Namgyal Wankchuk
Aarushi Bashyal
Arushi Bashyal. She is 15 years old and is from Nepal. She is a student, and is currently studying in grade 11. As a teenage girl, She believes that mental health issues are a really crucial topic that need to be analysed in modern society. She is proud to be a member of M4M.
– Nepal
Aazim Shaukat
Aazim is a zealous person who has always been concerned and eager about working on Mental Health. He is 18 years old, from Pakistan and currently is completing his college from a renowned high school. He has strong experience in volunteering at several organizations which helps him to stay determined, no matter the circumstances. With the help of M4M, Aazim is willing to play his part in advocating for, and educating people about the rising need of mental health awareness, to bring a positive change in society.
– Pakistan
Prince Karn
“Marina Khan is a Clinical Psychologist, enthusiastically and passionately working in Pakistan to normalise the word “Mental Health” and seeking services for psychological well-being. She is working on educating people more about the importance of their psychological well-being and physical health. Through the M4M platform, she will be delivering her knowledge and skills of dealing with people with mental health difficulties around the globe and creating a safe place for them, so that Mental Health is not a stigma anymore.”
– Pakistan
Prerana Paswan
Prerana Paswan, 18, from Nepal, and is an ambitious youth who believes in the power of knowledge. People are not concerned about mental health as an issue. Moreover, she thinks people should know about mental health and ways to overcome depression, anxiety, stress, and so on. Mental health is a prevalent issue among every age group. She believes M4M can give me more knowledge and a platform through which she can amplify her voice.
– Nepal
Subigya Baral
Mr. Subigya Baral is 17 years old from Kathmandu, Nepal. He is passionate about business, entrepreneurship, and technology. He also strive to make a difference in the lives of others.
– Nepal
Sujit Chaudhary
Sujit Kumar Chaudhary from Nepal; a highly passionate, enthusiastic and dedicated youth of Nepal who aims to be a changemaker and serve humanity. He experienced working as a volunteer for the M4M program 2020 and 2021. He has experienced the hardship of people very close to him, struggling with their mental health. No visible symptoms, just a longing for something to explain. Volunteering in M4M has taught him that mental health needs a great deal of attention. It’s the final taboo, and it needs to be faced and dealt with. His message to everyone with mental issues out there is: recovery is not one and done. It is a lifelong journey that takes place one day, and one step at a time. It’s okay not to be okay.
Thinley Namgyal Wankchuk
Mr. Thinley Namgyal Wangchuk from Bhutan is currently pursuing his degree in B.Sc Food Science and Technology. He’s a volunteer for the M4M campaign 2020 & 2021. According to him, mental health is an important aspect of life without which existence is impossible. He believes that mental health should be given the top most priority, and issues related to it should be raised and looked into as fast as possible. With his concerns about issues related to mental health, he feels that M4M is the right platform to raise these issues and share them.
– Bhutan

Pelden Lhamo (core volunteer 1)
Team Aesthetic Persona
Pelden Lhamo is 18 year old Bhutanese pursuing her undergraduate studies in B.Sc. Environmental Management. She is involved in many youth activities and forums and this is her first time being involved in campaigns related to mental health. Her passion for interacting with people from all walks of life and her love for art and nature made her realize the importance of one’s mental state and the way it is related to every other activity. She believes that people will learn more and be educated on mental health through entertaining ways that are currently done in this M4M platform.

Rita Puri (core volunteer 2)
Team Aesthetic Persona
Ms.Prashansa Deo from Nepal is a core volunteer of team “Mavericks”. She is 16 years old and studied at St. Mary’s High School up to 10th grade and is currently waiting for further admissions in high school. As an individual she has been vocal by participating in various public speaking events .She has been an active member of Nepal scouts and regional organizations working for menstrual hygiene.Being one of the youngest core volunteers, she is extremely keen to learn more about mental health and wants to break the stereotype around it .She intends to collaborate with more influential personalities in order to help people speak up in a safe space and popularize the mental health as well as wellbeing.
Team members
Babita Pokhrel
Malika Sangraula
Rachel Baniya
Rajju Ranjitkar
Saara Saleem
Sangay Loday
Babita Pokhrel
Babita Pokharel is 21 years old enthusiastic Nepali student studying BASW with an interest in different aspects of psychology. She believes when youths of today come up together as a single unit, they can together raise awareness even for different deep-rooted social taboos. This platform is great to bring change in the misconception and bring positive change in mindset.
Malika Sangraula
Mallika Sangraula is a young and energetic person from Nepal with the deepest interest in Mental health and its impact. She addresses that she was a volunteer of M4M in 2020. She also says that the knowledge about mental health which she gained in the campaign of 2020 had become one of the most important experiences in her life. After the completion of M4M(2020), She had succeeded in sharing those incredible ideas of mental health with her family, friends and society too. She believes to explore more the causes and consequences of mental health.
Rachel Baniya
Rachel Baniya is a passionate young leader advocating to break the stigmas surrounding mental health. She is a high school graduate and went to Hills Adventist College (Class of 2020), where she found her love for psychology and started her independent online study surrounding the narratives around mental health. Being a PTSD warrior, she realized the power of awareness and education, which helped her come out of autopilot and thrive in her life. This healing journey really encouraged her and she hopes the same for everyone who is struggling as well. She hopes for a day where the mental struggles are no longer a barrier- but a bridge, and meets everyone with compassion and empathy which surely is helping everyone on a personal level.
Rajju Ranjitkar
Rajju Ranjitkar is 20 years old enthusiastic Nepali student currently pursuing a Bachelor degree in Social work (BSW) in Kathmandu having diverse interests in different aspects of mental health. She believes that mental health is a very important subject to be discussed among the youth. This is because there are people from all age groups going through some sort of mental health problems, especially in lockdown. She believes that awareness and campaigns on mental health can eradicate the very deeply rooted social taboos. This M4M is a platform to change those misconceptions and bring out positive changes.
Saara Saleem
Saara Wastani is an active learning teenager from Pakistan whose life goal is to seek knowledge. She is serving as a volunteer in M4M since 2020. Through M4M she not only wants to learn more about mental health,but also wants to make an impact for others such that they will normalize talking about it as they do with physical health.
Sangay Loday
Sangay Loday is a person who is very energetic and is always interested in devoting energy to various activities. Sangay recently graduated from high school and Sangay is yet to find the passions that drive my life to its peak. Sangay’s interest in mental health stems from the belief that every individual is a walking book and they have their own share of stories, emotions and their own shade. They have their own baggage in life as they walk through life but just because they have baggage doesn’t mean they have to do it alone. So through that context, Sangay knows that due to that baggage they are left to struggle and stress on their mental health. So Through M4M, Sangay knows that Sangay can create enough advocacies, actions and programs that allow them to strengthen their mind and to let them know that they are not alone. Sangay has done many activities and Sangay hopes to do some more in the future.

DUPCHO NANGSI LHAMO(core volunteer 1)
Team Live to Lead
Dupcho Nangsi Lhamo, 19 from Bhutan. She is a first year college student currently pursuing BA in English Studies. She is also the new coordinator of her college Royal Thimphu College Y-PEER club. Moreover, she is also doing an intern with Y-PEER Bhutan. Therefore, through her experience with the engagement with youths and advocating about SRHR to the youth, she has realized the great importance of mental health as well. Many youth have peer pressures and family issues which leads to the unstable mentality and making of wrong decisions. Therefore, to help peer to peer and advocate on the importance of both SRHR and mental health, such programs such as the M4M seems highly efficient to learn about such things and be more certified to talk about such issues.

PATRICIA ALYSON N. REYES (core volunteer 2)
Team Live to Lead
Ms. Reyes, 20, an incoming third year BS Psychology student from the Philippines. For her,
by educating others about such issues we will be able to raise awareness not only to the public but the government and the media as well. She hopes that someday we will be able to eradicate the stigma and recognize mental health as a condition that can be treated like physical illnesses.She asks everyone to always be kind and to choose love. Love that breeds peace, understanding, compassion and empathy. With that, we will be able to thrive as one and no one will be left behind. Ms. Reyes firmly believes that if you can dream and see it in your mind, you can achieve it. As long as there is courage, passion, determination and dedication within you.
Team members
Ms. Reo Mariz B. Hizon is a volunteer of M4M Volunteer Program 2021, and currently in the team “Live to Lead”. She is a college student who is studying Bachelor of Science in Psychology from the Philippines. She joined the program to apply the knowledge that she gained from her program, in that way she could learn and let the people get accustomed to approaching, as well as understanding the importance of Mental Health. Since she is spending most of her time in Social Media, she thought that she should make her time meaningful. This program helped her set her goal in starting to disseminate information rapidly through the touch of a finger. Hopefully, she could fulfill her duties and goal to improve the quality of life through M4M Volunteer Program.
– Phillipines
Sanjita Pokhrel is an Opportunity Funds Grantee 2021 from Education USA. She is from Sarlahi, Nepal. She is serving as an executive member at Astronomy Enthusiast in Nepal. She fulfills her responsibility with utmost sincerity. She is a cheerful girl and optimistic about her future. She is an avid reader and enjoys meaningful conversations. She believes: together we can achieve milestone.
Tharpa Dema, 20 from Bhutan is a volunteer for M4M campaign 2021. She is aundergraduate pursuing B.Sc Environment and Climate Studies in College of Natural Resources. She was involved in organizing and facilitating seminars on mental health awareness and SRHR as a Peer Educator in YPEER Bhutan and has attended various seminars related to it. Through M4M, Tharpa hopes to help people understand the importance of mental health and be more open about it. She hopes to bring positive impact in others life.

AASTHA ACHARYA (core volunteer 1)
Team The Captivators
Miss. Aastha Acharya is a 2021 core volunteer of M4M team, “The CAPTIVATORS” and 2020 volunteer of Team “Worthy Crew”. She is pursuing a law degree from National Law College and is currently in her 3rd Semester. Mental health has been a topic of her interest. Before joining M4M, she had done an advocacy project with other LEADers of WomenLEAD, Nepal. She, along with her group, had conducted 3 days of photo exhibition in Patan Durbar Square and Kathmandu Durbar Square to educate people about mental health and break the stigma. She also conducted and moderated a few sessions on Bullying and Mental Health in this lockdown. Through this Volunteer Program at M4m, she would like to give back to the community and make this place safer where people are well aware of Mental Health and break the stereotype.

XEANNE ELIEZA M. VIRGINES (core volunteer 2)
Team The Captivators
Ms. Xeanne Elieza Virgines is a 2021 volunteer and a core member of M4M Team “The Captivators”. She is currently a college student taking a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from the Philippines. In relation to her college program, she joined M4M to help spread awareness about mental health in her own little ways and to learn more from different perspectives. She started her goal to help people be knowledgeable about mental health through M4M. Lastly, she hopes that she will bring impact and make a difference to other people through this volunteering program.
Team members
Azra Karim Abbasi is a 2021 Volunteer of m4m Team “The Captivators’ ‘. Currently she is pursuing her bachelor’s degree in Doctor Of Physical Therapy from Bahria University Medical and Dental College Karachi, Pakistan.She is interested in doing social work and wants to spread mental health awareness to every single human being. She Joined m4m to learn more about mental health awareness.
Mr. Bibek Maharajan is a 2021 volunteer of M4M team “ The Captivators”. HE is a 2nd year Civil Engineering student from Nepal.Realizing the importance of mental health he wanted to learn more about it. Stigmatization is a main problem regarding mental health in a lot of developing nations. To fight against it and normalize the talk of mental health in his community he volunteered for M4M in 2020 as well.
Dilip Joshi is 21 years old, and volunteers for M4M Team “The Captivators”. He was also a volunteer in M4M last year too. He is currently doing his Bachelor in Business Administration from Kathmandu University. M4M has given him this great opportunity to work with a diverse team and such friendly members. He is thankful to the M4M Team for the platform that it provided him to promote and learn about mental health.
Ms. Namrata Khadka is a 2021 volunteer of M4M Team “The Captivators”. She is a 4th semester law student studying at National Law College. She joined the M4M volunteering program with the aim to gain and enhance her knowledge on mental health. The society and even the educated people usually don’t have much knowledge about the mental health problems and it’s stigma so through this program she would like to change even in the slightest and spread the awareness among the people about it’s effect mostly in the remote areas of Nepal. She wants to take this M4M volunteering program as a platform to make an impact upon the people and the scenario regarding mental health.
Samip Niraula, a 19 year old volunteer of the team “The Captivators,” is an aspiring LGBTIQ+ activist in Nepal. Samip, who came out publicly through a YouTube video, identifies himself as a cisgender gay boy. He has attended numerous national and international conferences and events as a speaker or as a member of BOD, including the two largest MUN conferences in Asia in Malaysia and Bali in 2019. Samip has always been very vocal about the topics of LGBTIQ+ community and mental health, and aspires to contribute much on those fields in the coming days.

SARASWOTI MALLA (core volunteer 1)
Team Epiphany
Miss Saraswoti Malla is a core volunteer of M4M Volunteer Program 2021 of ‘Team Epiphany.’ She is from Nepal, currently pursuing her career in Chartered Accountant.
This is her first time involving in mental health campaigns. “What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candour, and more unashamed conversation.” Through M4M, she wants to gain knowledge on one’s mental well-being and help people who are suffering to express themselves, ensuring them that it is completely okay to not be okay.

SONAM CHANGA (core volunteer 2)
Team Epiphany
Sonam Changa, 20 from Bhutan is a core volunteer of M4M volunteer program 2021. He is currently pursuing his Bachelors in Secondary Education in Biology and Chemistry. Sonam believes in the happiness of rendering assistance to people in need. Through M4M, he aspires to reach out to people who are challenged with mental conflicts and aid them with emotional abetment.
Team members
Alina Maharjan, a volunteer of M4M campaign 2020 and 2021, is an active SRHR peer educator. With a Masters’ Degree in Medical Microbiology, she is currently working as a quality assurance officer in a typhoid vaccine study. She describes herself as a good and enthusiastic learner, who is always seeking motivation. Getting involved in the M4M campaign as a volunteer in 2020, she learned a lot about mental health. Sticking to the fact that ‘Mental health matters’, she is excited to be a part of M4M.
Ms. Asika Ghemosu, 21 from Nepal is a volunteer of M4M Volunteer program 2020 &2021. She is a Public Health undergraduate pursuing Bachelor’s in Public Health at Institute of Medicine, Central Department of Public Health. She beholds empowering people as her core value. She believes the issues of Mental Health should be heard and awareness of it among the people is a must. Through the M4M platform, she believes she can empower people to have a positive attitude towards mental health.
Mehak Haider, from Pakistan, is a M4M volunteer 2020 & 2021. She is a Registered Nurse professionally. Mental health is always a matter of concern and is often stigmatized due to which many individuals suffer in silence. Through M4M, she is hopeful to make a mental health friendly society and increase access to counselling. Also, she is passionate about inspiring youth to become change makers for mental health.
Beena Nazary from Karachi, Pakistan is doing her bachelors in nursing science from Aga Khan University. Being a volunteer in M4M since last year she believes that she is bringing change in herself, in her social media platform and in her community by sharing knowledge about mental health.
Anjani Bhandari from Nepal is a volunteer of M4M Volunteer Program 2021. Ms. Bhandari is an undergraduate public health student who believes in prevention of harm and protection of health. She assumes mental health problems are never ending issues which can be minimized at present by seeking help and reaching out to an individual level. M4M has become a way of self awareness in order to stay and practise better living, today.
Shahriar has immense interest in community work and has been working on different social causes for 6 years through an organization in Bangladesh named as “Youth Worldwide Foundation”. This is the first time he is working to raise the issue of the importance of mental health. He thinks mental health is one of the most important topics to talk about, especially in our fast paced competitive world where pressure to perform is high. However, according to him in his country Bangladesh and other asian countries, mental health is seen as a taboo. He believes we all from different nations and backgrounds should come across and talk about it in a wider context. He believes M4M provides a great platform to do that.
Noor Ul Ain Khatri, is a volunteer of M4M volunteer program 2020 and 2021. She is a biotechnologist in making. Since mental health issues are prevailing worldwide, she believes that along with the cooperation and guidance of the youth worldwide, a significant difference can be made. M4M is a perfect platform to achieve the goal of a more sustainable mental health amongst the youth worldwide.

NIR SHRESTHA (core volunteer 1)
Team SMB (Soul, Mind, Body)
Mr. Nir Shrestha (Aged 21) is a Youth and Disability Rights Campaigner. He has just completed bachelor ‘s degree in social work and psychology. He has also completed a six month psychosocial counseling course and is now working as the trainee psychosocial counselor. Mr. Shrestha has been working as the Core Volunteer in the M4M campaign. He was also the core volunteer in M4M2020. Mr. Shrestha has a good level of experience in working on mental health awareness and promotion. He believes that we can’t ensure our well-being until we take care of our mental health. Every individual needs to be aware and conscious of their mental health.

NASHRA RAHIM (core volunteer 2)
Team SMB (Soul, Mind, Body)
Ms: Nashra Rahim, 21 years old is a student of Pharm D from Pakistan. She is one of the Core Volunteer of M4M 2021. It’s her first time experiencing volunteering in mental health programs with “Me for Myself”. She is expecting to gain more insights from this volunteer activity and create ways to spread positivity and mental peace. Her desire is that every individual is treated with the kindness, respect and dignity they deserve regardless of the state of their mental health.
Team members
Aitisaam Amir
Deki Choden Yezer
Laxmi Chaudhary
Nitya Lamichhane
Pema Yangzom
Sara Maharjan
Sharadi Vidumini Ranasinghee
Aitisaam Amir
Mr. Aitisaam Amir who is 21 years old is an active & energetic youth from Pakistan, a volunteer of M4M Volunteer program 2020 & 2021. He is a medical student with a huge interest in Mental Health. In this period of pandemic mental health has become an increasingly important topic as people around the world keep facing problems mentally and are unable to express themselves. Through M4M, Aitisaam believes that we can make an impact in the society and change the scenario of mental health such that people can freely talk about it. He likes to work voluntarily for Mental Health awareness. He believes that this issue should be raised and aware of it.
Deki Choden Yezer
Deki Choden Yezer is a fresh psychology graduate and a first time volunteer of M4M. She is extremely passionate about mental health and believes that in this day and age it is something that needs to be highly prioritised. Her goal is to remove stigma around mental illnesses and promote mental health awareness so everyone can be educated on the topic and realise that mental illnesses can be as serious and as debilitating as any physical illness. Her hope is that every individual is treated with the kindness, respect and dignity they deserve regardless of the state of their mental health.
Laxmi Chaudhary
Laxmi Chaudhary is a student of public health from Nepal. She is one of the volunteer of M4M team “Team-SMB (Soul,Mind and Body). It’s her second experience volunteering on mental health programs with “Me for Myself”. She has been actively working on many health awareness programs and dignified menstruation in her communities. Laxmi believes that no one can be healthy without attaining mental health. She has been looking forward to working with the M4M team to create a non-judgmental environment in her society where one could freely talk about their mental health problems and seek professional care.
Nitya Lamichhane
Nitya Lamichhaney, 21, from Nepal is a volunteer for M4M Volunteer Program 2020 &2021. She is a senior year student pursuing her bachelor’s in business administration with finance specialization at Kathmandu University. Nitya feels like all human beings are going through very tough and unprecedented times right now, there are moments when people around her are feeling low and unhealthy, and due to this she feels like helping people know about the importance of mental health. Through M4M, she hopes to reach out to people who need help and make an impact and console them for their pain and help them express themselves. She aims to be a zealous volunteer for the program and help people around her through learning and practicing the learning of the program.
Pema Yangzom
Pema, 21 from Bhutan is a final year student majoring in Environmental Science at Asian University for Women in Bangladesh. She was a volunteer in the 2019-2020 volunteer program and continues to be a part of M4M in 2021. Her experience in mental health is very limited and she is expecting to gain more insights from this volunteer activity. In the coming years, Pema envisions seeing a society where people no longer have to form volunteer groups to normalize and promote mental wellbeing.
Sara Maharjan
Sara Maharjan is a student in Kathmandu University studying Bachelor’s in Community Development in 6th Semester from Nepal. She was a volunteer of the MeforMyself Campaign last year and this year is a member of team SMB (Soul, Mind and Body). She wants to let people know the mental health matter and is an important topic to speak on in every stage of our life. She thinks Mental health has long been an issue of concern, but due to a complete lack of awareness, there are very few cases where individuals are willing to help those who are in need. She believes that through using m4m, she may shift people’s views regarding mental health. Being a part of M4M has helped her in getting more information about Mental health and she believes that she can change people’s perspective towards mental health.
Sharadi Vidumini Ranasinghee
Sharadi Ranasinghe, 21 years old, a passionate young woman about mental health from Sri Lanka.it’s her first time of volunteering in M4M 2021. She’s a undergraduate of sports science and management as well as psychology.She believes sensitive issues regarding to mental health should be more focused without a discrimination of any factor. Also she thinks by being a part of this campaign would be a great opportunity to make a healthy impact on society.
-Sri Lanka

Sagun Lohala (core volunteer 1)
Team Daffodils
Ms Sagun Lohala is from Nepal. She is a Core-volunteer of M4M 2021. She was part of the M4M 2020 volunteer programme as well. She has completed her Masters’ degree in Psychiatric Nursing. She has been working in Nepal Police Hospital since 2010. She believes that mental health can be whether it starts from a person or a group. With involvement in M4M, she hopes that it can be an effort for bringing change regarding stigma on mental health issues in the community.
Team members
Dechen Wangmo
Kinley Wangmo
Bhawana Kafle
Dolma Diki Sherpa
Uma Yongan
Dechen Wangmo
Ms. Dechen Wangmo is from Bhutan. She is a volunteer of M4M program from 2021. She believes that creating awareness and educating on mental health to the people will bring positive changes so that the people will not stigmatize and those who are affected will share openly. Through the M4M program, she is hoping that she will encourage and motivate young people to raise awareness on mental health and share their innovative ideas.
Kinley Wangmo
Ms. Kinley Wangmo is from Bhutan and a student at Asian university for women majoring in Political, philosophy and economics. She is a volunteer of Me for Myself from 2021. Her mission is to positively impact people by letting them believe in possibility and with this mission she found mental health issues as one method to accomplish her mission. With the mental issues being widespread and comprehending the aftermath of it, she found an extreme importance of raising awareness, helping the near ones and learning herself the strategies to ease the mental problems which is why she joined M4M platform to become a part of a group who can make a huge difference.
Bhawana Kafle
Bhawana Kafle, from Nepal is an enthusiastic, energetic young mind who has constantly been advocating about mental health importance and creating awareness about it’s various issues. She is a volunteer of the M4M Volunteer program 2020 & 2021. She is a social activist and currently pursuing her bachelor’s in Public Health. As a public health student, she believes mental health is important part of everyone’s life as it affects one’s thought, emotions and action in daily life.Through M4M , Bhawana have confidence to bring changes about various existing misconceptions of mental health in societies and improve the understanding of good mental health among individuals.
Dolma Diki Sherpa
Dolma Sherpa, 22 from Nepal is a volunteer of the M4M Volunteer program for 2021. She is a business student pursuing her Bachelors in International Marketing from Zicklin School of business. While the importance of mental well-being is being more acknowledged now than ever, developing countries around the world have a lot to catch up to. Through the M4M volunteer program, she wishes to contribute to shortening this wide gap; one step at a time.
Uma Yongan
Uma Tamang, 22 from Nepal. She is an undergraduate student pursuing a travel and tourism management degree. She is a volunteer of 2021. Through M4m she had a better understanding of mental health and believed herself stronger.

Saru Shrestha (core volunteer )
Team Wevolve
Saru Shrestha, from Nepal, is a mental health campaigner and a student of counselling psychology. Currently, she is an active volunteer at Down Syndrome Society Nepal which cares for people living with developmental disabilities and engages in programs that are capable of changing people’s lives in a positive way. She is often found in discussions associated with mental health and breaking the stigma and stereotypes attached to it. Through M4M, Saru believes she can grow with others who are on the same journey of advocating for mental health.
Team members
Alina Maharjan
Aadarsha Sangraula
Bishwamitra Bhitrakoti
Dr. Himanshu Sharma
Madiha Zafar
Ranju Tamang
Alina Maharjan
Alina Maharjan, a volunteer of M4M campaign 2020 and 2021, is an active SRHR peer educator. With a Masters’ Degree in Medical Microbiology, she is currently working as a quality assurance officer in a typhoid vaccine study. She describes herself as a good and enthusiastic learner, who is always seeking motivation. Getting involved in the M4M campaign as a volunteer in 2020, she has learned a lot about mental health. Sticking to the fact that ‘Mental health matters’, she is excited to be a part of M4M.
Aadarsha Sangraula
Aadesh Sangraula, 20, is a young and energetic boy from Nepal with the deepest interest in mental health and its impact. He was also a volunteer for the M4M campaign 2020 He believes that the knowledge about mental health which he has gained in the campaign of 2020 has become one of the most important experiences in his life. After the completion of M4M (2020), he has succeeded in sharing those incredible ideas of mental health with his family, friends and society too. He believes to explore more about the causes & consequences of mental health through M4M 2021
Bishwamitra Bhitrakoti
Bishwamitra Bhitrakoti, from Annapurna Rural Municipality, Ghandruk, Kaski, Gandaki province, Nepal is an active youth with a hearing disability. He requires Nepali Sign Language Interpreter for communication as he cannot hear and speak. He is involved as an interpreter for programs, hospitals, and daily activities when required. He is also the president of Annapurna deaf association. Bishwamitra is working with this association to educate the society regarding the life of people living with hearing disability. Since the establishment of this association two years ago, he has been providing training on Nepali sign language to improve employability, capability, to fight for their rights, and change the society by challenging the current issues. Other than this, he also associated with Amnesty International Nepal, Barahi Youth Network, Nepal Youth Council, Gandaki Province, Gandaki Association of the Deaf. He is interested in learning about mental health which is an important topic of discussion for people deaf disabled people. Through M4M, he believe he can bring change in Youth Deaf Disabled people’s mental health.
Dr. Himanshu Sharma
Dr. Himanshu Sharma, from India is a BDS graduate and pursuing a master’s in public health. He has 3 years of clinical experience in dental surgery, along with that he has experience of 7 years working with various national NGOs. Himanshu is enthusiastic about working in the field of health which comprises mental health, physical and social health.
– India
Madiha Zafar
Madiha Zafar has recently completed her second MPhil in Social and Cultural Anthropology and has vast volunteer experience with NGOs as a Gender specialist and Human Rights Activist. While working in a multicultural social setting, she experienced and observed that people, especially immigrants are facing mental health issues and it’s even now a taboo for them to discuss these issues. Discrimination at workplaces, especially in a developed country leads to mental illnesses, particularly in the case of immigrants. In her latest research work, she also highlighted mental health issues which immigrants are facing, and due to the fear of losing jobs, they remain silent. She is trying to raise awareness among people, especially south Asian immigrants in Germany, who still consider Mental health issues as a stigma. Her purpose to join M4M is to learn, share and discuss new skills, techniques, and information about other societies and ultimately to practice it in different social and cultural settings, so that a change can be witnessed in near future.
Ranju Tamang
Ranju Tamang, 26 from Nepal is a volunteer of the MeForMyself program 2020 & 2021. She is a student of social work. Ranju truly believes mental health can play a vital role to scale comprehensive ideas in an individual’s life and that this campaign has provided her an update and opportunity along with a great platform to learn and be creative in the field of mental health.

Dawa Lhomu Sherpa (core volunteer 1)
Team Pleasant Petrichor
“Dawa Lhomu Sherpa, 24 from Nepal is a core volunteer of M4M Volunteer program 2020 & 2021. She is a Registered Nurse and Psychosocial counselor. She is currently providing mental health education, psychosocial counselling to people, especially youths. As a leader in her field, she is dedicated to increasing access to mental health. She has been looking forward to collaborating with the M4M team for a positive environment among youths to understand mental health and to achieve mental well being.

SONAM RINCHEN (core volunteer 2)
Team Pleasant Petrichor
Sonam Rinchen, 24 from Bhutan is a core volunteer of M4M volunteer program 2021. He is currently in his final year of college, where he is pursuing a BSc. in Life Science. As a cofounder of Bloom Network, he works with many aspiring youths and youth related organizations. He believes that mental health advocacy, as well as the relevance of emotional, psychological, and social well-being, has grown increasingly important. As a young person, he hopes to make a positive difference in society in terms of mental health and be a bigger part of the service to humanity.
Team members
Agis Somantri
Srisha Poudel
Simran Basnet
Punchi Wedikkarage Kokila
Agis Somantri
“Agis Somantri, 23 years old from Indonesia is a volunteer of M4M Volunteer program 2020 & 2021. He is a graduated from International Relations. He is currently focus to spread awarness about mental health and peace for youths. As a member in him field, He is dedicated to increasing access to mental health and peace for youths. He has been looking forward to collaborating and cooperating with M4M team for build positive vibes among youths to understand mental health and to achieve mental well being and actively involved in both academic and non-academic. With this opportunity make him believe can give spirit for a his environment and his career at International Non-Government Organization.
Srisha Poudel
Srisha Poudel, 24, is a volunteer of the M4M Volunteer program 2021. She is a young bureaucrat working in the sector of child rights. The M4M volunteering program has become a platform to know more about mental health education for her. Her motive to participate in this program is to link her working area with mental health education. She aims to work in the sector of mental health among children.
Simran Basnet
Simran Basnet, 24 from Nepal is a volunteer of M4M volunteer program 2021. She graduated with her Bachelors of Science in Nursing from India. She is employed as a Registered Nurse and is currently working as a front line worker. She is dedicated to strengthening and employing her therapeutic skills for the sustainability of the client’s physical and mental health. Through M4M, she energizes to advocate her skills for mental health well-being and to lead a peaceful mindset and happy living.
– Nepal
Punchi Wedikkarage Kokila
“Kokila Hemakumara, 24 from Sri Lanka is a volunteer of M4M Volunteer program 2020 & 2021. She is a final year undergraduate who is reading up for her BA (Hons) Degree in Peace and Conflict Resolution. She strongly believes that every person should have a better mental health as well as a physical health. Because it totally helps to maintain a person’s inner peace and if it is imbalanced, it will cause problems with inner and outer world. As a young person, she wants to stand for the people who want mental support. By joining the M4M, she highly expects to do a good change in the society by apprising people about it by using more creative ways.”
-Sri Lanka

Husnia ashraf shouly (core volunteer)
team you never walk alone
Husnia Shouly is an undergraduate student in upper-level teaching. She is a facilitator at the exchange portal (Soliya). she worked as a teacher for 2 years with all different ages. She love learning new things and being introduced to new culture. She also enjoy helping people solving their problems and enjoy keeping up positive thoughts and create a good and stable mental health for others. She is a trainer in presenting and body language so that helps her more in order to understand the people she meets. She believes volunteering is a planet by itself that hold safety, love, operation and joy. She wants to help in building a better future. She always looks for programs to improve herself and to have fun doing volunteer work. she always says: Stay positive, you’ll live your best life.
Team members
Hritika Kunwor
Lukas Norman Kbarek
Palden Wangchuk Dorji
Regina Rajbanshi
Hritika Kunwor
Hritika kunwor, 20 from Nepal is a volunteer of M4M volunteer program 2021. She is currently pursuing her bachelor’s in community development. Mental health is important at every stage of life from childhood and adolescence through adulthood. Many people around the world are facing mental health issues and unable to express their problems with other. Through M4M, hritika hopes to bring change in thought of people and help them express their problems and believes to make people happy and mentally well.
– Nepal
Lukas Norman Kbarek
Lukas Norman K, 23 years old from Indonesia, is a volunteer of M4M Volunteer Program 2021. He is a fresh graduate, bachelor of Law, Although his background is law but he passionate on mental health issues. Aware of lot of youth who’s not really productive on their daily activities during pandemic covid-19 make his always share inspiring story for them and share how to be productive as a youth to maximize their potential. He was really believe that when he can start to build care of himself to keep mental health, it will be impact full for others beside his, that’s why Through the M4M platform will be make a change in lot of youth life.
– Indonesia
Palden Wangchuk Dorji
Mr. Palden Wangchuk Dorji is a 20 year old curious volunteer from Bhutan. He currently studies Agriculture in College of Natural Resources and has participated in a lot of seminars and programs related to mental health. He has a fire to learn even more about mental health and through M4M Palden hopes that he could be able to help people and help address and promote talking about mental health.
Regina Rajbanshi
Ms. Regina Rajbanshi is an undergraduate student of community development from Kathmandu University SOA. She is an editor at Innerwheel Club of Kirtipur Millennials New Gen which works for the advocacy of women’s rights. She has experience working with people experiencing disability and their mental health. She believes volunteering is a way to learn compassion, unselfish caring, patience and loving one another. So, she is involved in various volunteering programs. Besides work and studies, she is passionate about painting and meditation which helps her to cope with her mental health.

TEJASWEE BHATTARAI (core volunteer)
team Rising Phoenix
Tejaswee is a volunteer of M4M 2020 and a core volunteer of M4M 2021 campaign. She is a final year undergraduate student of Public Health. As a public health student, the nature of her academics revolves around educating the masses and carrying out awareness programs to prevent consequences from lack of knowledge, prevalence of myths and misunderstanding of facts. Thus, Tejaswee is most passionate about being able to communicate to the masses about public health issues with prioritization on SRH and mental health issues. She loves exploring her creative side and loves art and wishes to innovate creative ideas and techniques to fulfill her calling and passion. She loves social engagements and believes in learning from each other- unlearning and relearning in the process. Through this campaign, she is hoping to raise awareness among people about the stigmas and misconceptions surrounding mental health and furthermore sensitize them about its significance.
Team members
Prasan Rai
Saherish Saleem
Sandesh Basnet
Prasan Rai
Prasan Rai is a core member of M4M Team ‘Rising Phoenix’. He is currently pursuing Bachelors in community development from Kathmandu University. He is also a member of YUWA, a youth led organization and is really passionate about mental wellbeing, public speaking and mental health related issues. He is currently organizing a platform for healthy debates along with his team to enhance healthy and productive discussions among youths.
Saherish Saleem
Saherish Saleem, from Karachi, Pakistan is a member of M4M Volunteer Program 2021. She recently graduated with a Bachelors of Science in Nursing (BScN) degree and is currently holding the position of a Trainee Nurse Intern at the Aga Khan University Hospital. She has keen interest in the thematic areas of Sexual and Reproductive Health and rights (SRHR) along with Mental Health and Well-Being. She firmly believes that any minute difference we make has a huge impact on the society, and M4M has given her a platform to explore more on the theme, advocate and contribute for the well-being of others.
Sandesh Basnet
Sandesh Basnet from Nepal is currently doing a bachelor’s in business administration. Understanding the need for awareness regarding mental health as a person who has gone through a similar phase, he joined the m4m volunteer program 2021 to create an impact on our community so that the topic “mental health” would become easier to talk about and people will seek professional help.

PEMA CHODEN (core volunteer)
team KourageUS
Pema Choden, 21 is a recent Anthropology graduate from Royal Thimphu College and an international intern at Y-PEER Asia Pacific. Her zeal for volunteerism and passion to bring change through active participation in social awareness and advocacy programs allowed her to work in diverse fields like Y Peer, Young Girls Circle and Me for Myself. She advocates on SRHR, CSE and ICPD in institutions and recreational centers. She was a part of the team who developed the first national e-course on SRHR and GBV in Bhutan and facilitated various programs in relevant fields. With her immense passion to learn more and increase her knowledge on SRHR, CSE and mental health, regional e-courses by Y-PEER AP. Through her dedicated time and personal initiatives, she also wishes to apply her anthropological skills in advocacy programs to solve real-life issues and reach a wider audience.
– Bhutan
Team members
Amita Khadka
Aliza Aslam Perevez
Dewashish Bhattarai
Urja Acharya
Amita Khadka
Amita Khadka, 22 form Nepal is a volunteer of M4M Volunteer Program 2020& 2021. She is a project manager and is currently pursuing an undergraduate in Business Administration. She is enthusiastic about knowing fellow human beings and somehow being a part of eradicating mental health taboos. Through M4M, she is willing to learn how that can be done and find the will power to acknowledge it as per the requirement in her society in order to eradicate it.
Aliza Aslam Perevez
Aliza Aslam Pervez, from Pakistan is an active volunteer of M4M program 2021. She is a medical student and believes that mental health issues are as vital as physical health issues which should be considered and treated accordingly. These platforms will help to get rid of social taboos related to mental health and we youngsters must know about these issues so that we can be aware of our surroundings too. Secondly, we should support the ones who need our support.
Dewashish Bhattarai
Dewashish, is a 21 year old teacher working on the well -being of giving practical education. With the help of the M4M, he wishes to include mental health to the young minds from a young age. Through M4M, he wishes to learn and grow as a peer educator in his locality, to make the problems of Mental Health known and spoken.
Urja Acharya
Urja Acharya, 24 from Nepal was a core volunteer of M4M volunteer program 2020 and a volunteer of M4M Volunteer Program 2021. She is a public health graduate and a co-founder of a self-development organization. She is also a certified meditation instructor and a writer in a kid’s magazine. Coming from a public health background, she believes health should be viewed in a holistic approach. Her deep interest in psychology have motivated her to work in the field of mental health and she has been advocating about it on different platforms. Through the M4M platform, she believes youth can normalize talking about mental health and end the stigmas related to it.

BIPANA SHRESTHA (core volunteer1)
team Valiant Souls
Bipana Shrestha, 23 from Nepal is a graduate in bachelors in public health. She is one of the core volunteers for Me for Myself program 2021. She also has been one of the volunteers of M4M program 2020. She has been actively participating in volunteering activities. She thinks that mental health issues have been rising and it’s high time that people should pay more focus towards it. Through the M4M platform, she believes that she can bring positive impact by engaging in mental health awareness activities.

KARMA SANGAY PHUNTSHO(core volunteer2)
team Valiant Souls
Karma Sangay Phuntsho, 23 from Bhutan is a graduate with a bachelors in Civil Engineering. He is one of the core volunteers for the Me for Myself program 2021. He has been a member of YPEER since 2016 and he has always been interested in social works and activities and has always been active in various programs both nationally and internationally. He passionately believes small steps for a greater collective goal can definitely make a big difference and he aims to achieve that through the M4M program for better mental health and well-being for everyone.
Team members
Abhigya Parajuli
Areeba Shiwani
Deebya Dhital
Hemant Khatri
Pooja Kumari Chaudhary
Pratistha Paudel
Sandesh Kumar
Sushil Khanal
Abhigya Parajuli
Abhigya Parajuli, from Nepal is a volunteer of M4M volunteer program 2020 & 2021. She is a medical student and currently pursuing her Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine. Good mental health is a crucial element of overall well-being and healthy living. Through M4M, Abhigya believes to shed light upon the different and unexplored areas of mental health to bring about changes in people’s mind set to break the stigmas of mental health.
Areeba Shiwani
Areeba Shiwani who is 23 from Pakistan is a volunteer of M4M Volunteer Program 2020- 2021. She is pursuing her degree in Psychology. She recognizes the impact of mental illness and emotional suffering on those around friends, family, and the larger community and begins to struggle with the question of how this awareness can inform our day-to-day lives. She believes the M4M Program is the platform where she can talk about mental health and create awareness to people as much as possible for a better livelihood and future.
Deebya Dhital
Deebya Dhital, 24 from Nepal is a volunteer of M4M volunteer program 2021. She has completed her Bachelor’s degree in Computer Information System. She acknowledges the importance of mental health for the overall development of human beings. Through this M4M program she expects to learn more about mental health and also feels that this platform can provide positive impacts in society to change people’s perspective regarding mental health and its related fields.
Hemant Khatri
Hemant Khatri from Nepal is currently an undergraduate student of Management and also a volunteer of the M4M Volunteer program for the year 2021. He believes he is an enthusiast and Wanderlust. He joined M4M to be the voice for those who don’t like to talk about Mental Health. It has been a serious issue for everyone in this world and it’s time it needs to be addressed. The stigma around
Pooja Kumari Chaudhary
Pooja Kumari Chaudhary from Nepal is a volunteer of the M4M mental health campaigns of 2020 &2021. She is pursuing a bachelor’s in public health. Mental health is one of the fields she is interested in. She has always been participating and volunteering in mental health-related programs, activities, sessions, and campaigns and always has stood for protecting and preventing mental health problems. According to her, mental health issues are one of the biggest problems in today’s generation. People give less priority to mental health compared to physical health. People still feel fear talking about mental health. Therefore, she chooses the M4M mental health campaign to improve mental health. Through the M4M program, she believes to bring positive changes in her country and overcome the issues of mental health and make the society mentally sound and healthy.
Pratistha Paudel
Pratistha Paudel, 23 from Nepal is a volunteer of M4M Volunteer Program 2020 & 2021. She is a development worker and is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in International Cooperation and Development. She is passionate to learn about mental health and well-being, and use her voice to reach out to others. She believes that mental health should be prioritized as equal to physical well-being if not more. Therefore, she feels it is very necessary for us as young people to collect our voices around mental health and its issues to spread correct information and awareness on mental health. She has confidence that through the M4M platform she could help to enhance the young people’s mental health and well-being by bringing out personal stories and positive synergy.
Mr. Rishav Das is an activist, trainer of MUN, council member at United States embassy youth council Nepal (USYC) and student of B. tech in Biotechnology in Himalayan white house international college. He has volunteered in lots of programs and events related to social works. Mr. Das was also an executive member of youth lead organization ‘we’ for change and outreach volunteer at Global change makers. He is also a UNV4 action volunteer and local coordinator at students for liberty. He was recently appointed as Secretary General of Asia for young world Leaders for humanity. He has served as Vice-President for World youth international MUN and Deputy Campus director for Purbanchal university hult prize. Recently he has been appointed as Global Goodwill Ambassadors (GGA) and youth Ambassador at international youth society.
Sandesh Kumar
Sandesh Kumar, 24 from Pakistan is a volunteer of the Me for Myself for 2021 program. He is currently studying in the Pharmacy (Medical) field final year. Depression and anxiety are currently prevalent among youth and various social pressures are constantly increasing psychological problems among youth. Through the M4M platform, Sandesh Kumar hopes that we can let people know the root cause of these problems and how they can be solved with effective counselling and self-management and let people live their life free from anxiety and depression by making people believe that they can live up to their dreams.
Sushil Khanal
Sushil Khanal 23 from Nepal is volunteer of M4M volunteer program 2020 and 2021.He is youth activist and advocate of health rights and is pursuing his undergraduate bachelor degree in public health.Mental health is broad aspect of holistic health .It’s important nature to govern whole physiology and body mechanism has bought it’s important nature to world .Through M4M Sushil hopes and believes to enhance his knowledge skills expertise in mental health and grab his expertise knowledge to people in need.

Heal warriors
Ram Dulip is Mr Gay World Sri Lanka 2021, a model, an actor and a socially conscious activist.His activism focuses on young people and marginalized communities groups, particularly on gender identity and equality. He is a leading LGBTQI celebrity youth icon in Sri Lanka and advocates for the elimination of stereotypes. Also he is a candidate for the Commonwealth Youth Council Election 2021 and running for the position of Special Interest Groups.
– Srilanka
Team members
Dimalsha Dasanayaka
Diwas Acharya
Marina Khan
Prakash Maharjan
Dr. Shikhar Gupta
Barsha is a Nepalese deaf individual who is self-motivated to learn and share her experiences with the people around her. Barsha is an amazing cake baker and she does make delicious cakes during her free time. She is an amazing Pencil Artist too. While she is doing all these things she is working Through M4M, Barsha hopes & believes that she can make an impact in society and change the scenario of mental health such that people with disabilities.
Ms Bhoomi Vyas is a public health professional from Gujrat, India holding a Public Health degree (MPH). She has been involved in the Public Health Sector for last few years including Gujarat CSR, IIPHG & other organizations. Her interest is in academic research and implementing public health policies & also contributing to the sector of Mental Health.
– India
Dimalsha Dasanayaka
Miss Dimalsha Dasanayaka who is from Sri Lanka, is a professional social worker who is engaging in social work practice to enhance the well being of people. She had already completed a diploma in counselling by specialized in the field of mental health. She is much passionate to work in the field of mental health. she believes that the ultimate goal of life should be happiness. Therefore she is much caring about mental health as essential wellbeing in human life Also she is having experience working in a mental health-related organization in the government sector as a trainer. Colombo south teaching hospital as well National institute of mental health are more special among them to her. Finally, as a professional social worker & counsellor, her goal is to uplift the living condition of people by specializing in the field of mental health
– Sri Lanka
Diwas Acharya
Mr. Diwas Acharya is a volunteer of 2020 & 2021. He is a public health professional with a public health degree (MPH). He has been working over 7 years in the public health field especially on health and nutrition programs including mental health. As a public health professional, he is continuously engaging in advocacy, policy level planning & conducting mental health related activities at provincial level. He is interested in working on a team, and he believes little efforts of individuals can bring big changes.
– Nepal
Marina Khan
“Marina Khan is a Clinical Psychologist, enthusiastically and passionately working in Pakistan to normalise the word “Mental Health” and seeking services for psychological well-being. She is working on educating people more about the importance of their psychological well-being and physical health. Through the M4M platform, she will be delivering her knowledge and skills of dealing with people with mental health difficulties around the globe and creating a safe place for them, so that Mental Health is not a stigma anymore.”
– Pakistan
Prakash Maharjan
“Mr. Prakash Maharjan is an active sign language interpreter for the deaf and deaf blind people with disabilities in Nepal, an inbound with his interpreting assistances and expertise. Mental health has become an increasingly important issue as deaf and deafblind people with disabilities facing difficulties. It is unable to express, and the only express medium is a thorough sign and tactile language. Through the M4M platform, he delivers crucial information on mental health to deaf and deafblind entities through voluntarily sign language service in the M4M online platform. Through the M4M campaign on mental health, he believes that he can change the mental health issues.”
Dr. Shikhar Gupta
Dr. Shikhar Gupta, 27 from India. He is a dentist by profession and is currently pursuing his master’s in public health. He feels strongly about mental health owing to the various issues that many people go through these days. The Covid-19 pandemic has especially impacted the mental health of humanity all across the globe. Dr. Shikhar aims to become an agent of change in society and contribute extensively towards the SDG 3 i.e “Good Health and Well-being : To ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.”
He is certain that by being a part of the M4M volunteer program, he is contributing towards improving the mental health of people and with the great conviction that change in his own community/country will lead to a change globally, he passionately continues to spread awareness about this issue.
– India

Komal Rauniyar (core volunteer 1)
Team "Mind’s Health Matter (MHM)"
Ms Komal Rauniyar, a core volunteer of M4M volunteer program 2021. She is currently doing her bachelor’s in the field of pharmacy in India at Marwadi university… As a student of medical science, She can understand the importance of the topic of mental health because people around the world are facing mental health-related problems. So she hope and also believe that M4M team can reduce this problem and make an impact in society.

Maryam Ghulami (core volunteer 2)
Team "Mind’s Health Matter (MHM)"
Maryam Ghulami is a core volunteer for M4M from Afghanistan who has completed bachelor degree in faculty of literature and humanities, certified in women’s leadership development and special interest in entrepreneurship and volunteerism. She had been working in different fields as a team leader, trainer, country representative, country coordinator, and M&E with different national and international organizations officially and voluntarily. By Joining M4M she is aiming to help her fellows in mental health and well being and her vision is to make changes in the lives of youth and women in her country and beyond. Her aspiration is to be a change-maker in society and help her fellows to raise their voices to be heard and words in action.
Team members
Deki Yangzom
Dikchhya Rauniyar
Mustabsheera vengus
Phuntso Norbu
Samun Acharya
Tseng, Xiang-Ling
Yeshe Pemo
Tirshala Bholoo Devjee
Deki Yangzom
Deki Yangzom, 22, from Bhutan, is an active volunteer of M4M Volunteer Program 2020 & 2021. She is currently pursuing Post Graduate Diploma in Public Administration. She is one of the core members of Live Now and was an active YPEER member. With her principle of self-love, she believes introspection is the first step to help others, even when it comes to mental health. And believes that M4M is the best platform to do so. She hopes to use her skills and knowledge for the benefit of the young people joining civil service, like her.
Dikchhya Rauniyar
Mustabsheera vengus
Phuntso Norbu
Samun Acharya
Tseng, Xiang-Ling
Yeshe Pemo
Tirshala Bholoo Devjee

Aakriti Acharya (core volunteer )
Team Small Steps
Aakriti Acharya, 28 from Nepal is a core volunteer of the M4M Volunteer program. She is ICC certified career counsellor with an interest in mentoring and skilling teenagers and youths. She is also a co-founder of Resume Didi, a career service organization that focuses on providing guidance counselling and soft skill development to high school students. In Nepal, most people think that suffering from mental illness is the same as being mad, becoming unfit to remain in society. Through M4M, Aakriti wants to make people aware that mental health matters and people need to talk about it.
Team members
Bikash Chaudhary
Diksha Verma
Dilli Ram Chhetri
Dr. Smruti Prakash Mishra
Bikash Chaudhary
Bikash Chaudhary, 28 from Nepal is a volunteer of M4M (Small Steps) volunteer program 2021. He is a creative content creator and Cinephilia, currently pursuing his Master in Sociology. His keen interest in society and individuals, their relationships, behaviour, and contradictory actions inspire him to get more involved in social activities. Through M4M, Bikash believes that he can provide his skills and knowledge to reform the orthodoxy thoughts on mental health which have been rooted through the ages and help people to make changes to their life accordingly.
Diksha Verma
Diksha Verma, 25 from India is a volunteer of the M4M Volunteer program 2020 & 2021. She is a medical practitioner and is currently pursuing her master’s in public health. Being mentally healthy has a pivotal role in a person’s life as it might help you stay healthy and avoid significant health problems or poor mental health, on the other side, can lead to poor physical health or dangerous habits. Through M4M, Diksha hopes & believes that we as public health specialists can assist individuals and communities in overcoming mental health difficulties by advocating for prevention and establishing effective interventions
Dilli Ram Chhetri
Dilliram Chhetri, 24 from Bhutan is a member of the M4M volunteer programme 2020 &2021. He is an Agriculture graduate and currently working under the Ministry of Agriculture and Forest, Bhutan. He has seen people suffering from Mental health illness through a very close look and at one point he was really helpless due to lack of knowledge. So to address the aforementioned issues and to spread awareness about mental health illness far and wide he joined M4M.
Dr. Smruti Prakash Mishra
Dr Smruti Prakash Mishra is a dentist who is gradually inclined to the Public Health field he has worked in various fields like immunization, COVID-19 vaccination supported by WHO and National Health Mission. Information linked to mental health- As a Public Health professional he is more interested in the Mental Health field also.One of the biggest reasons he chose to be a part of this program is because he loves to help people. There is no doubt that mental wellness is fascinating. Learning how the brain works is something that many people enjoy. Because of this COVID-19 pandemic, a lot of people are suffering from depression, anxiety and other mental health disorders. He hopes by participating in this “me for myself” program I can contribute something and make some difference in this difficult time.

Sabina Dhakal (core volunteer )
Team Ubuntu (I am Because of you)
Sabina Dhakal is core member of M4M team ‘UBUNTU (I am because you are ) from Kathmandu Nepal is currently pursuing her bachelor in Social Work Psychology. She is extremely determined, strong willed and calls herself an enthusiastic learner. She is deeply interested in mental Health and Sexual Reproductive Health and wants to work for women’s empowerment. She has been working in different organizations who work for women empowerments and sustainable development. Being a student of psychology she committed herself to work for mental and psychosocial wellbeing of the people. She has been looking forward to collaborating with different organizations and teams for the positive environment among youth and to understand mental health so that she could serve every individual of the society and communities.
Team members
Jamie Wartova
Kuenzang Dema Norbu
Ritesh Karn
Jamie Wartova
Jamie is a young aspiring entrepreneur from Papua New Guinea, currently pursuing his final year of studies in Bachelor of Business Management at the University of Papua New Guinea. He is 24 and joined M4M this year as a volunteer. Mental health is a rising issue in his country, just like any other third word country. As a young elite who was fortunate enough to go as far as university, he planned to use this platform as an opportunity to grow and gain more knowledge through engaging in various activities. Above all he would like to use his knowledge gained so far to put into practice in creating opportunities to reduce these rising issues in his community related to mental health.
-Papuwa New Guinea
Kuenzang Dema Norbu
Kuenzang Dema Norbu is a graduate of 2020 from the College of Natural Resources in Bhutan .She is also a blogger sharing stories of positivity and way of life and involved in national groups working on social issues. She aspires to express her opinions, ideas and experiences regarding relationships, mental health and SRHR through her blog and make impactful changes especially among young people of Bhutan. She is one of the 8th cohort of The Youth Initiative program led by Bhutan Center for Media and Democracy where the members are trained to become the champions of change through advocacy campaigns centered around the main youth issues and realities identified by the youth for the youth. Since 2021, she is also involved as a volunteer for the Me for Myself Campaign for mental health “m4m campaign 2021” which pools young, passionate change makers who not only raise awareness about mental health but also provide coping mechanisms during the unprecedented times. Moreover, she is an intern at Y-PEER AP.
Ritesh Karn
Ritesh Karn, from Nepal is a Public Health student of Central Department of Public Health, IOM. He is a core member of Youth Connection Center- AYON (YCC-AYON), and is actively involved in advocacy programs dealing with problems of youths in the society. Through the Me 4 Myself campaign, he aspires to bring a positive change in the perspective of people towards mental health, and the way it is stigmatized in the society.

Manaswi Poudel (core volunteer )
Team Blooming Hope
Ms. Manaswi from Nepal is a Civil Engineer by profession. She was a volunteer of M4M Volunteer program 2020 and is a Core Volunteer of Team Blooming Hope for 2021.She believes that mental health is an integral part of health. It is a state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make a contribution to his or her community. Through M4M, she expects to raise awareness in the community by working with all diverse people and also expects herself to enhance her communication and leadership skills along the journey.
Team members
Kanchan Khatako
Kushal Manandhar
Rajesh Sah
Sadhana Manandhar
Tshering Yangden
Kanchan Khatako
Ms. Kanchan Khatakho is a registered Public Health graduate student.Currently, she is also involved in the volunteer program of CICT conducted by Dhulikhel Hospital. She is capable of doing multi-task collaborating with groups and developing strategies for implementing different health related activities. She has an interest in health research activities and making public health interventions. She is an energetic youth who also has an interest in Mental Health. She believed that mental health issues are also the same as physical body diseases which can be prevented and cured. Through the “Me for myself” (M4M) platform she wants to contribute to the sector of mental health in society and bring changes in young people’s mental health.
Kushal Manandhar
Kushal Manandhar from Nepal is a volunteer of M4M volunteer program 2020 & 2021. He is a medical practitioner currently running his community pharmacy and also pursuing his masters in business administration from ace institute of management . Talking about mental health, he believes every individual deserves a sound mental state.. among different health problems mental health still has been less talked and dealt about. We never know what a person is going through mentally. Being a medical practitioner he believes he can make a difference or at least minimal impact on the mental state of people around him through this program.
Rajesh Sah
“Rajesh Sah from Nepal is a Volunteer of M4M volunteer program 2020 & 2021. He is a Public Health Practitioner & currently pursuing his Bachelor of Public Health. Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. Mental health has become an increasingly important topic as people around the world keep facing problems mentally and are unable to express themselves. Through the M4M platform, he hopes and believes that we can make an impact in the society and change the scenario of mental health during Covid-19 pandemic from the community level such that people can freely talk about it.”
Sadhana Manandhar
Sadhana Pandey from Nepal was a volunteer of M4M Volunteer program 2020 and also in 2021. She is a Public Health Graduate and is currently working as a Public Health Officer. She believes Mental health is important in every aspect of life, from childhood to elderly but is one of the ignored topics in society. She also believes that it helps to determine how we make choices, how we handle the stress, how we think, how we act and react
Tshering Yangden
Ms. Tshering is a 24 year old medical student from Bhutan pursuing her medical degree in Cuba. She is a first time volunteer for M4M 2021. Being in the health sector, she firmly believes that mental health has an important role to play in modern society. As a member of M4M, she aspires to learn together as a team and spread awareness to many people from diverse cultures and backgrounds, while at the same time help them understand that mental well-being is crucial for one’s growth, physical or mental.

Menuka Timsina (core volunteer1 )
Team Mental Health begins with me
Menuka Timsina from Bhutan is the core volunteer of team “Mental Health Begins with Me” 2021. She is a Bachelors of Physiotherapy graduate from HNBGU. She is an avid reader and an aspiring author. She has been actively involved in a lot of social awareness programs and is an advocate for Mental Health Awareness. She hopes Mental Health can be talked about as normally as we talk about any other issues and Help for mental health issues can be accessible for everyone.

Pushkar Shrestha (core volunteer 2)
Team Mental Health begins with me
Mr Pushkar Shrestha a Core Member of M4M Team “Mental Health Begins with Me” is an energetic youth from Kathmandu Nepal. He completed his Bachelor of Public Health and completed his diploma in General Medicine. Mr Shrestha is a team player, analytical, strategist to attain the desired goal and has the ability of multitasking. In the modern world of the 21st century along with these crisis situations of COVID -19 where mental along physical health issues are taking a stand as a great issue nowadays. He believes that it is necessary to spread awareness and advocate on the issues of mental health. He believes that through the platform of (M4M), he will be able to upgrade his capabilities in academic research and create a better platform working with the various individuals around the world to contribute to the Mental Health Sector.
Team members
Dr. Efraheem Matthew
Lobzang Dorji
Prakriti Khanal
Shreya Adhikari
Usha Shrestha
Dr. Efraheem Matthew
Dr Efraheem Matthew, 26 from Islamabad – Pakistan, is a volunteer of the M4M Volunteer program 2021. He’s a Doctor and currently working as Deputy Divisional Director Medical and Health Sciences. He believes that “There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t.” Mental health is important for everyone. If you’re facing a mental health challenge, you are not alone, just remember that there are a lot of people facing the same. Mental health has become an increasingly important topic as people around the world keep facing problems mentally and are unable to express them. Through M4M, Dr Efraheem Matthew hopes & believes that we can make an impact in the society and change the scenario of mental health so that people can freely talk about it. Mental health awareness is the recognition that our psychological well-being is an important part of our own health, productivity, and happiness, as well as the well-being of our communities.
Lobzang Dorji
Lobzang Dorji, 24 from Bhutan is a volunteer of M4M volunteer program 2021. Mental illness affects people of all ages and walks of life. Therefore, he believes that it is very important to talk openly about mental health. Through the M4M platform, he hopes to reduce the social stigma attached to it and promote awareness on mental health.
Prakriti Khanal
Prakriti Khanal is a volunteer of M4M program 2020 and 2021. She is a food technologist who graduated from Purbanchal University and currently works as a Research Assistant. Being a volunteer of M4M, she believes that mental health is one of the least talked about subject whose importance is immense. She believes that advocacy is needed on Mental Health so that people become aware of mental health and take it seriously. “People need to consider seriously about mental health and its impact as without it terrible consequences is likely to occur”
Shreya Adhikari
Shreya Adhikari is a volunteer at M4M and believes that mental health is a key to everything going around a person’s life.She wants to raise more awareness in her country about mental health and let people know how important it is. She advocates for a healthy lifestyle and as mental health is connected with every aspect of life she wants people to take care of their mental health equally as their physical health.
Usha Shrestha
Usha Shrestha, from Nepal, is a volunteer in the M4M Volunteer program 2021. She is a recent graduate and working in the field of computer science and information technology. She has always been an advocate of mental health and wanted to broaden her understanding of the subject. She believes that mental health is as important as physical well-being and its high time that we all openly communicate about it. M4M has given her a platform to explore mental health and a community working together to help each other.

Salina Begam (core volunteer 1)
Team Ying and Yang
Salina Begam is a core volunteer of M4M Volunteer Program 2021. She is currently pursuing her Bachelor’s degree in Public Health. She is a youth health activist who has a deep interest in mental health. She believes mental health as an important aspect of health as nowadays, many people are facing mental health problems but are unable to express themselves due to the stigmas and fear of being hatred. So, it is very important to create awareness among people about mental health problems so that they can easily open up about their problems.

Archana Shah (core volunteer 2)
Team Ying and Yang
Archana Shah is a SRHR and human rights activist. She is currently a final year student of Public Health in Institute Of Medicine (IOM). Bestowing upon her interests on mental health, she is one of the core volunteers of M4M Volunteer Program 2021. She strongly emphasizes that mental health is as important as physical health. Mental health awareness has significantly increased with the span of time; we tend to support others emotionally and do every possible thing but in between all these, we don’t realize our own need for self care. Message from her: Don’t be so hard on yourself, make your mental health a priority!!!
Team members
Kripa Bhatta
Kriti Tamang
Nerabung Kulung
Neha Maskey
Simran Gupta
Asmi K.C
Aadya Prashar
Kripa Bhatta
Kripa Bhatta is currently pursuing bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Social Work. She has worked on different mental health issues and currently she is a volunteer of M4M Volunteer Program 2021. She has keen interest towards mental health as mental health has been one of the major issues of today’s world. So, being aware about mental health is indispensable. She believes that each individual has a responsibility towards society.
Kriti Tamang
Kriti Tamang is undertaking a bachelor’s degree in Social work and Psychology. Alongside with her study, she is also working as a preschool teacher. For being keenly interested in Psychology, she has also become a part of M4M Volunteer Program 2021. In this time where everyone is going through this pandemic, she strongly supports that mental health should be equally prioritized as much as physical health. She also believes that one day everyone can be aware about its importance and will provide comfort to each other through kind words and the world can be a safe place for the people who go through it. Youths like us should bring such change, Who will if we won’t?
Nerabung Kulung
Nerabung Kulung is a volunteer at M4M Volunteer Program 2021. She is currently pursuing her Bachelor’s of social work from Kadambari Memorial College. She hasworked in different programs from various organizations for social causes. She has an aim to be able to work for society hand in hand with people having the same interest and enthusiasm. She is also keen about mental health and believes that awareness on mental health issues is really essential in today’s world and is glad to contribute toward mental health awareness by being a volunteer in M4M Volunteer Program 2021.
Neha Maskey
Neha Maskey is a health assistant currently working at buddhi ganesh polyclinic, pharping. As a medical person I have keen interest toward mental health, which is a major problem nowadays. I have also done an internship before at patan mental hospital for 1 month during my college. M4M will provide better understanding of mental health among youths and ways to overcome it.
Simran Gupta
Simran Gupta is a volunteer at M4M Volunteer Program 2021. She is an undergrad,currently pursuing her Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering from Pulchowk Campus,Lalitpur,Nepal. Despite belonging to the technical background, she has a strong interest in Mental Health. She feels that not everyone needs to be wearing capes in order to help others.She believes that it’s completely fine to be vulnerable by telling personal experiences in hopes of encouraging everyone who is seeking some help. She feels that anything that has been holding us down is not worth being held on to.
Asmi K.C
Asmi K.C. is a public health graduate. She has participated in some projects and surveys related to mental health. She has also contributed to the Livenow campaign. She believes that engaging youths in various creative activities and providing platforms like M4M to share their ideas help them bring positive change within themselves. Mental health is more than what we understand, hear and learn. In her opinion, mental health problems cannot be understood unless you feel, deeply observe and understand it. Different people have different perspectives on mental health. We may be aware about mental illness but might not have an idea on how to deal with the mentally ill people. M4M will provide better understanding of mental health among youths and ways to overcome it .
Aadya Prashar
Aadya Prashar is currently working as a Media and Communications Intern at Canadian Mental Health Association. She did Postgraduate diploma in public Relations- Corporate Communications from Sheridan College and will be pursuing another postgraduate diploma in Content Strategy from Humber College this year. She has been a mental health advocate during her graduation days and has been associated with M4M since last year. Her persuasive c