team members of mending mindsets

aadya prashar
Aadya Prashar is a member of Mending Mindset’s, M4M. She is currently pursuing her post graduate from Sheridan college, Ontario,Canada. She is from India and truly supports mental health and well being. It is important to make people realise that mental health is as important as our physical health and well being. We should make people understand to help others who need emotional support instead of ignoring them, to take care of them and talk to them. If we do this tad bit we can make this place better and will be able to normalise mental health issues.

azra karim abbasi
Azra Karim Abbasi is a member of m4m “Mending Mindsets” .She is currently persuing her batchelor’s Degree in Doctor Of Physical Therapy from Bahria University Medical and Dental College Karachi, Pakistan.“It’s time to tell everyone who is dealing with mental health issue that they’re not alone, and that getting support is not a sign of weakness, it’s a sign of strength.”She is interested in social work and to serve suffering and needy humanity”.

dilip joshi
Dilip Joshi is a member of M4M team Mending Mindsets. He is from Bhaktapur, Nepal. He is currently studying Bachelor in Business Administration from Kathmandu University. He has been volunteering in different programs. He is interested in social work and helping people. People often ignore mental wellbeing and just focus on physical health. Mental health impacts the way we feel, think and act so it is necessary to focus in it too. Without positive mental health, it will be almost impossible to realize our full potential, work productively, make a meaningful contribution to our community, or handle the stress that comes with life.

kesang tshomo
Kesang is also a team member of “Mending Mindsets”, M4M. She believes that faces are never beautiful or ugly but the minds are. So every mind should be molded with love and care and turn it into a beautiful mind. Having a beautiful mind can cease any mental health issues. So make sure you mold it beautifully!

kinzangn dolkar
Volunteer Kinzang Dolkar from Bhutan is a part of team Mending Mindset’s, M4M. She is a pandemic graduate, class of 2020 so she knows having a positive mindset at this period is more important than anything. She’s been an active volunteer and believes that every mind matters so she joined M4M to make a difference through mental health. A healthy mind is a mirror to look at the world in a positive way.

rajallaya acharya
Rajallaya Acharya is a team member of M4M “Mending Mindset”. She is currently pursuing her Bachelors in Public Health from Pokhara University. She is a vice president of Dimension Public Health Organization and is actively working in the field of mental health since the past one year. She believes mental health is as important as physical health and works to eliminate taboo related to it. She believes M4M is a platform through which she can work on her goal and help people struggling with mental health issues.

rojan shrestha
Rojan Shrestha is a member of M4M Team ‘Mending mindsets’. He is From Kathmandu,Nepal and Currently Studying Bachelors of Business Studies from Tribhuvan University, and also works as a volunteer in different organizations. He has also been in the UN volunteering programme -Unite- ” Let’s make this world violence-free”.He is passionate about Gender equality ,Mental health and Violence issues. He believes his dedication towards making Mental Health Topic Normal in society will definitely make a good impact.

rubina karki
Rubina Karki is a team member of M4M “Mending mindset”. She is from Nepal. She’s a nutritionist and a public health professional. As a health professional, she believes that health cannot be viewed in isolation to mental well being. If a person is not mentally stable or has inability to cope up with normal stress of life, their overall well being can be hampered. Hence, she believes M4M is the best platform to incorporate youths as well as target them towards dealing with the ups and downs of the life without hampering mental state. As well as keep youths aware about Eating disorders which is relevant to her field of expertise.

xiang-ling tseng
Xiang-Ling, Tseng is a member of m4m “Mending Mindsets”. She is from Taiwan and is studying for a Bachelors of German. Besides, she suffers from depression for five years. She has to take more than ten medicines every day. As a result of it, she focuses on mental health deeply. Also, she cares about a lot of ways to help people who have the same problems. For her, listening, resting, accompanying and etc are all important for everyone. Not only who has mental problems but also everyone who lives in the world.
Because of depression, it lets me know how to get along with myself and learn to congregate with my own emotions. All of them are keys to everybody.