Meaning Behind the logo
Me for myself (M4M) is a mental health and wellbeing campaign so it is only fit that our logo represents recovery, growth and renewal.
A semi-colon (;) in English represents a sentence that could have ended but didn’t. Similarly, in mental health, a semi-colon signifies the continuation of life through the difficulties faced. It is also a form of solidarity for people dealing with mental health issues and a hope for a future.
Butterflies represent the soul and are a symbol of resurrection and renewal, representing endurance, change, hope, and life.
Together, these two elements make up the logo for Me for Myself (M4M) and signify that with solidarity, hope and a chance at life, we can all conquer any obstacle related to mental health.

what is m4m?
“Me for Myself” is a youth initiative campaign, dedicated to promoting the mental health and well-being of young people in the Asia Pacific. It has been founded by the initiation of youths aiming to raise awareness about mental health issues and provide coping mechanisms during this ongoing pandemic lock-down. Since the globally pandemic COVID-19 is affecting the daily life of many adolescents and teenagers which has led to limited social and physical activities that are triggering anxiety and psychological distress. A growing number of youths, particularly those in the cities, have been spending their days cooped up inside their room using the internet these days. Teenagers have passion, desire, and energy to do something but they also lack patience due to which they are frustrated and hopeless. To bring positivity and create a productivity platform for young youth, the “Me for Myself ” campaign has been launched. This campaign has been launched to educate and promote youths in a positive manner by providing them a productive platform where they can learn, teach, and explore new activities.

what is m4m's purpose ?
“Me for Myself” purpose is to ensure youths with bringing a positive attitude and changes in daily life. This platform guides them to be able to live independently with their inherent dignity and create a productive stand so that they are involved in the community in a physical, mental, and social manner.
m4m's mission:
Empower the youth’s interest and take a stand in improving their mental well-being and help them understand their feelings and emotions.

Key Initiative:
The key initiative of this campaign works in a holistic approach which means to provide the support that looks at the whole person, not just their mental health needs. The support is given considering their physical, emotional, social, and spiritual wellbeing so their feelings, ideas, and interest are valued. This approach focuses on a person’s wellness and not just their illness or condition. Its key initiative is to create a network of individuals and organizations that aim to improve services for people living with mental health problems and create awareness focusing on Asia-Pacific youths.